Bulk Meat Purchasing

Interested in purchasing bulk meat? The farm is offering a special price on Whole and Half Pigs, and Half and Quarter Cows. These will be slaughtered on-farm, and available for pick up mid-April. Orders need to be made by March 15. Please email Spencer for prices,...

Yale Carbon Capture Trial at the Farm

Hawthorne Valley Farm (HVF) is pleased to participate in a trial on Enhanced Rock Weathering (ERW) with the Yale Center for Natural Carbon Capture (YCNCC). As part of the study, 160 tons of crushed basalt was spread on one of the farm’s pastures in November. ERW is a...

Greenmarket Updates

Hello All, First, I would like to express my deep appreciation for all of our market staff both in the city and on the farm. Their efforts to continue to distribute food to our customers in NYC are playing an important role in this crisis. The market team has been...

A Message from our Farm Team

Looking forward in a time of uncertainty   To Our Community, It is our sincere hope that you are healthy and in a space that nourishes both mind and spirit. As we sow seeds in our greenhouse that will soon make their way into the soil, we think of you, our...