Caroling to the Cows

Join us on Christmas Eve at 7pm for our beloved tradition: Caroling to the Cows! Gather in the Loafing Shed to spread holiday cheer with festive tunes and serenade the herd. Please RSVP here. We hope to see you there to make spirits bright for us and our bovine...

Apprentice Reflections – Lindsay Ferguson

It was a freezing winter day in 2013 when Lindsay Ferguson first visited Hawthorne Valley Farm (HVF). She was considering joining the team as a Whole Farm Apprentice, and distinctly remembers frost covering the barn windows. For a Florida native who’d been working on...

Community Farm Volunteer Day

Parents and community members are invited to join Hawthorne Valley Farm for a big onion planting! Work alongside the farmers, make some new friends, and take in the awesome-ness of the farm where our students learn and play. Meet up by the Apple Tree at the School...

Community Farm Volunteer Day

Parents and community members are invited to join us for a Community Farm Volunteer Day to work alongside the farmers, make some new friends, and take in the awesome-ness of the farm where our students learn and play. For all your fun and good work, you will go home...