Apprentice Reflections – Lindsay Ferguson

It was a freezing winter day in 2013 when Lindsay Ferguson first visited Hawthorne Valley Farm (HVF). She was considering joining the team as a Whole Farm Apprentice, and distinctly remembers frost covering the barn windows. For a Florida native who’d been working on...

Apprentice Spotlight – Sylvana Szuhay

Sylvana is a member of our veg team and brings her enthusiasm for working in the elements to work with the land and grow good food for the community. Her childhood in the Pioneer Valley of Western Massachusetts really sowed the seeds for her interest in farming. She...

Apprentice Spotlight – Charlotte Lindblom

Charlotte comes to our Veg team to build on her experiences working on small vegetable farms in high school and college. She grew up in Tacoma Park, Maryland, and came to the Northeast to pursue a degree in physics at Mount Holyoke College. While teaching high school...