Other Livestock

Although the dairy herd is considered the nucleus of the farm, Over the years, other types of animals have also become an integral part of the farm organism, including beef steers, pigs, and chickens.


Beef & Heifers

We raise about 15 bull calves a year specifically for beef. Cuts from these animals include steaks, stew, roasts (special order) as well as ground beef and stew. We also slaughter about 10 to 15 of our dairy cows each year as they age or if they need to be replaced for some other reason. These dairy cows turned beef animals provide excellent filet mignon, NY strip, boneless sirloin, ground beef, stew beef, bones and organs. Our beef is sold in the farm store and at our stall at NYC Greenmarkets (Union Square, Inwood and Columbia).

We raise all replacement dairy cows (heifers) and beef steers right on the farm. All the calves are raised on their mothers for 3 to 5 months before being weaned. From there on out, they form their own calf herd until they join the dairy herd or the beef herd.



We have four brood sows of various breeds and one Tamworth boar. Each sow raises two litters a year, with each litter having between 6 and 10 piglets. In each year we raise about 30 pigs on the farm. The pigs are outside during the summer months, and if you come visit the farm, they love visitors. Feel free to bring old bread, non-citrus fruit and any kind of greens. If they don’t like it, they won’t eat it!

About 90% of the pigs’ diet is recycled from the farm. There is whey from our on-farm cheese making, food scraps from the Farm Store and on-farm learning programs, and bread from the bakery and markets. We supplement this cornucopia with home-grown certified Biodynamic® small grains.

Animal Welfare Approved™ certified Pork is available throughout the year at the farm store and the greenmarket. We generally have pork chops, sausage, ground pork, smoked bacon (no sugar), beef/pork hotdogs and a limited supply of liverwurst. We also have feet, neck bones, fat-back and ears available in the farm store and through the green market by request.



In 2017 we began raising 1000 pastured meat chickens of the ‘redbro’ breed. These chickens, raised in batches of 330, are working to help regenerate the grazing pastures. After spending their first two weeks of life in the cozy confines of the brooder, they move out to a mobile shelter that is moved daily. During the day they are free to roam in a generous fenced in area. The chickens spend their day foraging for plants and insects, and scratching the grass. At night they are locked in for protection from predators, and they deposit a substantial quantity of manure, which combined with all the scratching is the perfect ingredient for jumpstarting pasture growth. The lush grass that follows the chickens is readily consumed by the dairy cows. We grind the chickens fresh feed every 2 weeks using locally grown certified Organic feed that contains no synthetic amino acids. This feed supplements all the grass, clover and insects that are consumed on pasture.

Our certified organic (pending) pastured chicken is available throughout the growing season and into the winter months at the farm store and select green markets. Whole chickens are available fresh for a limited time at the farm store. We generally have frozen whole chickens, bone-in breasts, bone-in thighs, drumsticks, legs, wings and livers. Backs, necks and feet are available by request. Bulk quantities of whole chickens are available by request.