Buy Winter Share

Winter Shares for 2023 are completed.

Sign ups are now open for the 2023 growing season



  • All shares are the same size (8-10 items per week) and come pre-boxed
  • Common winter share items include: potatoes, sweet potatoes, winter squash, onions, garlic, pea shoots, kale, collards, rutabaga, turnips, cabbage, carrots, and beets!
  • First drop is in mid-November and continues for 6 consecutive weeks
  • To sign-up, follow the link below and click on your desired pickup LOCATION and then hit NEXT to see the correct offerings for the winter extension share at your site



  • Hawthorne Valley Farm: Friday afternoon through Sunday, self-serve from our walk-in cooler*
  • Inwood: Inwood Farmers Market in Isham Park, Saturdays from 8am-3pm
  • Riverdale: Current summer location is NOT available for winter 2021. Please consider the nearby Inwood location or other farmers market sites!
  • Garden Ctiy: Thursdays from 2-6pm
  • NYC Greenmarkets: see sign-up menu for list of available markets


*tentative to change as appropriate to ensure the health and safety of employees and CSA members during COVID-19

Contact Todd Newlin with questions regarding the winter share.